Tuesday, February 16, 2010


Finally paid off my tv today. Next stop: new gun. It's hard to believe I'm not a republican. Or a democrat. Then again, I totally hate politics, so it's not that hard to believe. One of my friends has got me reading Vince Flynn's first book, Term Limits, in which a group of US military commandos begins assasinating high ranking US politicians in order to force them to enact legal changes to benefit the country. I guess it gets me thinking about the state of things in Washington, something I try not to think about. It's hard to believe this is his first book; it just seems to flow so well. Then again, I've read some of his other books & I can definitely see him mature, especially when it comes to his character dialogue. But it's definitely a book I hate having to put down; I can see this being one of those books that keeps me up until 3am finishing the last 200 pages. Speaking of entertainment- I'm a huge fan of horror films, but it seems that lately (within the last 10 years), you really have to dig to find a decent story. The "After Dark" and "Films to Die For" series have been good at highlighting several winners, but are mostly duds. But some to check out would include "The Hamiltons", "The Gravedancers", "Unrest", & "The Tripper" (my personal favorite!). But if you want to see a truly great horror film, one that calls out all the lame, cliche mistakes that people usually make in those movies, absolutely check out "SEVERANCE." Fantastic film, and I've never heard anyone say anything bad about it, and I've shown it to a lot of people. I only bring this whole thing up because I just saw "Drag Me To Hell" and was greatly impressed. It's the only mainstream, nationwide theater release horror film that I've ever loved. Director Sam Raimi finally gets back to his roots to create a truly memorable film, and anyone who has ever seen The Evil Dead series will agree this is what Raimi has needed to make, not those godawful Spiderman movies (ok, the first one wasn't bad. But the other two- trash. I mean, you bring a villian like Venom to the big screen, you should give him screen time, not a two and a half minute existence where you only see him fully like two. Fucking lame.). "Drag Me to Hell" definitely gets my vote for best horror film of 2009. And while you're in your videostore (or online), pick up "A Perfect Getaway." Not horror, but a great thriller. Steve Zahn was fantastic, making that serious role his bitch. Way to recover from Goof Troop, dude! That's all I got for right now; get out there and see some scary crap!!