Monday, January 25, 2010

Far Cry

I love Far Cry. In my opinion, it's one of the greatest & most memorable games in my life, up there with DOOM, Half Life, & Resident Evil. I'm referring to the PC version, because fuck you, Microsoft, the piece of crap game you released with "updates" for the xbox is an abomination of the original game. Yeah, you get mutant powers, can run really fast, and it's much shorter. But the story's crap, the characters are two dimensional, and the game just doesn't make as much sense. Far Cry 2 was a vast improvement, but seeing as it had exactly zero connections to the original game, it makes one wonder why they even gave it the Far Cry game. I mean, the original was set in the Pacific with beautiful environments made deadly by mercenaries and mutant beasts. The second was in Africa (granted, a sweet setting), set on two maps, and was populated exclusively by humans that respawned as soon as you were spitting distance away. Not to mention the fact that there weren't even different character classes as you progressed- the guys you fight at the beginning of the game are the exact same as the ones you fight at the end. How did no one notice this? Whatever. A fun as hell game and a great way to pass hours of your day, but once again, it pales in comparison to the original. So what was so great about the original? I like to think it lived up to its title: it was truly a far cry from any game I've played before. It was a game that you didn't even give a shit about for the first ten hours you played, just another disposable shooter. But then you get into the meat of the story, can't stop playing, have fucking dreams about it (haven't had that occurence since the first Resident Evil), and as soon as you're done, you restart the whole game just to try and get that high back. Because make no mistake- it is definitely a high you are riding by the end of the game. And like all highs, it's never as good as that first time, but that will never stop a junkie from trying.

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