Monday, January 25, 2010

Step 1 down...

Ok, done with the entrance exam. I was feeling pretty confident until last night when I took the practice exam. Upon opening the book & viewing the first question, I actually sat there staring at the page for a few minutes before muttering one of the universe's most prfound statements: "Shit." The questions were entirely of a format that I was not prepared for! So, after scoring a 60-something on my first attempt, I spent the rest of the evening studying all those sections that I thought, "eh, that can't be important." Believe me- details matter. I've been with a volunteer department for a few months now, but nothing we covered up there was nearly as in-depth as this. So, needless to say, I was not as prepared as my earlier confidence let on. Anywayz, after studying the entire book twice more, I finally went to bed. Up at 6:40, I continued studying until I took a break at 7 to run three miles. I don't know what it is about aerobic excersize, but it definitely makes my day better. Among other things, it definitely makes me much less likely to get pissed off; guess it's due to getting all the aggression out early. Anyway, about half an hour before the test I went ahead and made my way to the testing facility, congratulating myself on having the foresight to scout parking areas ahead of time. So the test came and went. I feel a hell of a lot better about it than I did the first time I took the practice test. That being said, I know I didn't ace it. There were some areas I wasn't dead certain about, so I was limited to educated guessing. And then there was the section on myocardial infarction. Wow, I fucked that part up. But nothing ventured, nothing gained. As they say, "God hates a coward." So after that whole event, I went home, reheated the chicken in our fridge, grabbed a glass of wine (we were outta beer; don't judge me), then settled down to spend the next few hours numbing my brain in Fallout 3. Sure, I shoulda gone and worked out, but I still have swimmer's ear & figure I'll just kick my ass in the weightroom tomorrow anyway. I am super-glad it's warming up outside; treadmills are not my favorite thing in the world. Boring as waiting grass grow. So now it's back to work. Las Margaritas tonite to celebrate being done, since Mexican food is my favorite. The Spanish places on Main Street are always my first choice, but since LasMas has such big-ass beers, I figured this would be the place to hit up. Oh, and Alex Bright might be coming to dinner! I haven't seen that fucker in forever, and then he just walks into my store outta the blue! He'll get to meet my girlfriend, and I'm excited to hear about how his life is going; he's always got interesting stories. Ok, time to mop the bathrooms. Later, world.

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