Sunday, January 24, 2010

Journal Entry #1- feelin' like Doctor Venture

I'm creating this blog due to my having been put in charge of the blog for my store & feeling like there's so much I want to talk about yet can't b/c of it representing an entity bigger than myself. So I'll keep that first blog in its official capacity, and have this second one for more personal (or petty, whatever) entries. So, now to treat it like a journal: It's freakin' monsoon season in downtown Chattanooga, which has severely cut down on foot traffic, meaning that I'm working the store by myself since I sent my relief home. No need to waste money on two bodies when one can more than fill that niche. Girlfriend is on her way to Atlanta for her dad's birthday, who, as it turns out, is too sick to make it to his own birthday dinner. Well, at least I sent a present with her for him. At least it's sort of like I'm there. Hope he gets to feeling better; I like her family. So now I'm here at the store, surrounded by people that are only here to get out of the rain and not to buy anything, trying to study for my firefighter's exam, counting the hours 'til closing. Oh well, it could be worse, as the world is so fond of reminding us daily. God, I gotta stop reading so much of the news; need a daytime hobby. Anywayz, that about wraps it up for entry one. At least I'm not at the bottom of the sea, crawling along because my exo-suit is half destroyed and leaking, so I'm better off than Doctor Venture in his first journal attempt. Oorah for that.

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